
jrue holiday臂展、哈勒戴過世、朱 霍 勒 迪在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說

jrue holiday臂展在[外電] Ayo 很棒。他能變得多好呢?- 看板ChicagoBulls

作者[外電] Ayo 很棒。他能變得多好呢?
標題sbmylife (ILA)
時間2022-01-20 13:44:59 UTC


It's official: Ayo is awesome. How good can he become?
Ayo 很棒。他能變得多好呢?

The Bulls rookie guard has been a revelation this year. He has already transitio
ned from offensive engine to 3-and-D star off the bench. Now the question become
s: what is his ceiling?
公牛的新秀後衛今年令人出乎意料。他已經從進攻引擎轉變為替補席上的 3D 明星。現在該

作者:Will Gottlieb

In a season full of pleasant and
unexpected surprises, here’s one that really stands out: Ayo Dosunmu, “star in
his role”.
在一個充滿驚喜和意外的賽季,有一個脫穎而出的:Ayo Dosunmu,“扮演好自己角色的明

The Thibodeauism fits. The 38th pick from Chicago has stepped into what has beco
me a massively important part of theBulls success and has quickly become one of
the league’s most impactful rookies and he’s finally getting some well-deserv
ed national recognition.
這位出生自芝加哥的第 38 順位新秀已經成為公牛隊成功的重要因素之一,且迅速成為聯盟
最具影響力的新秀之一,他終於得到了應得的全國認可(指進入Rookie Power Rankings榜)

Dosunmu does it on both ends, but the defense is what makes him stand out. Few 2
2-year-old rookies have stepped up to the challenge of guarding some of the leag
ue’s elite across multiple positions and not only held their own, but thrived.
Dosunmu在攻防兩端都出盡全力,但防守才是讓他脫穎而出的原因。很少有 22 歲的新秀能

Dosunmu has seen a massive increase in playing time over the past month-plus wit
h all the injuries and COVID illnesses ravaging the team, and he has taken on th
e new responsibility and smashed our wildest expectations. With Lonzo Ball and A
lex Caruso missing 7 and 14 of the last 15 games respectively, Dosunmu has stepp
ed into a 28 minute-per-night role, being tasked with guarding some of the leagu
e’s elite.
在過去的一個月因為傷病和 COVID 疾病肆虐球隊,Dosunmu 的上場時間大幅增加,他承擔
了新的責任。由於Ball和Caruso 在過去 15 場比賽中分別缺席了 7 場和 14 場,Dosunmu
已經變成每晚上場28 分鐘的球員,負責防守一些聯盟的精英。

Trae Young, Bradley Beal, Luka Doncic, Jayson Tatum and Ja Morant have all stepp
ed into the Ayo vortex over the past month and come out on the wrong side.
Trae Young, Bradley Beal, Luka Doncic, Jayson Tatum和Ja Morant在過去的一個月裡都

According to NBA.com’s matchup tracking data (an admittedly imperfect measureme
nt), Morant went 2-5 from the field while guarded by Dosunmu. Tatum went 3-12 wi
th 3 turnovers. Doncic went 1-3. Beal went a combined 2-8 in two games and Young
went 2-10 with Dosunmu as the closest defender in a two-game set with the Bulls
in late December.
根據 NBA.com 的追蹤數據,Mordant 在 Dosunmu 的防守下5投2中。Tatum12投3 中外帶3次
失誤。Doncic 3投1中。Beal在兩場比賽中8投2中,而Young在12 月下旬與公牛隊的兩場比
賽中,在 Dosunmu防守下,10投僅2中。


Despite his youth and inexperience, the Bulls officially have three lock-down de
fenders at theguard spot, all of whom are capable of switching, guarding point-
of-attack and taking on big wings and offensive hubs. That dramatically changes
the outlook of the Bulls defensive potential.


His 6-10 wingspan has gotten a lot of attention, and though his physical attribu
tes are certainly tantalizing, his awareness stands out. He seems to understand
rotations, positions and floor geometry all while being able to communicate and
quarterback a defense.
他 6-10 的臂展受到了很多關注,他的身體素質確實很誘人,防守意識很突出。他能了解輪


This is incredible rare for a perimeter player, let alone a rookie.

Monster performances against the Grizzlies and Celtics have me thinking big thin
gs are in his future.



Before putting the cart ahead of the horse, there are a few key areas I would lo
ve to see him improve upon to upgrade his potential from role player to secondar
y or tertiary offensive option: his ball handling and touch.

I believe that ball handling is the single most important skill that can elevate
a perimeter player from bad-to-good and good-to-great.

Dosunmu’s handle can be loose at times. The ball can tend to squirt out of his
possession on drives and he turns it over 18.9 percent of his possessions which
is in the 2nd percentile among guards.


Dosunmu 的持球有時會失球。在切入時,球常會從他的控球中噴出失誤,佔了他持球時18.9


As his usage has ramped up over the past ten games, his turnover percentage has
risen. In some ways, it is to be expected. A high turnover percentage is actuall
y a good thing for young guards — it’s better to see if they can expand and te
st the limits of their passing rather than be too conservative. Even though, it
significantly above both his season average and against his positional average o
ver the last ten games for the type of playmaking he is taking on.

He’s also shooting only 63 percent at the rim, which is in the 56th percentile
among guards. He’s mostly a below-the-rim finisher and though he has improved,
he has to settle for a lot of tough floaters and scoop shots to avoid getting bl
ocked, which hurts his foul drawing ability.

He is definitely improving — shooting 73 percent at the rim since December — b
ut getting to the basket and finishing through contact will unlock a new level t
o his offensive arsenal.
他在籃框附近的命中率只有 63%,在後衛中排名第 56%。他主要是一名衝擊籃筐的終結者,

自12 月以來,他確實進步了,他的籃框附近的命中率達到了73%——但衝擊籃下並通過身體


Touch doesn’t only encompass finishing, it also includes shooting and given his
low 3-point shooting volume, it’s still a question mark in my mind whether he
can continue converting above 40 percent from deep. As a sophomore at Illinois,
he shot 29.6 percent on 3.3 threes per game. On similar volume, he jumped up nea
rly 10 percent to 39.0 his junior year. Now with the Bulls, he’s up to 43.9 per
cent on 1.7 attempts per game.

It’s beyond nit-picky to point out massive improvement, but on only 246 attempt
s between his last three seasons, I’m holding out for a larger sample to see if
he’s really this good.

I want to emphasize that these are not criticisms, but areas for improvement tha
t will unlock even greater potential. Dosunmu is on track to provide invaluable
depth for the Bulls in year one. His track record in college to suggest he has a
level up when it comes to offensive potential.

保持40%以上的三分命中率持懷疑態度。在伊利諾伊大學大二時,他場均出手 3.3 個三分球
,命中率為 29.6%。在差不多的出手數,他在大三時躍升了近 10%,達到 39.0。現在在公
牛隊,他場均出手 1.7 次,命中率高達 43.9%。

並不是挑剔他的巨大增長,但在他過去三個賽季只有 246 次出手數,我正在等待更多的樣

我想強調的是,這些不是批評,而是可以開發出更大潛力的改進建議。Dosunmu 有望在第一

When I posed the question, I got a lot of Jrue Holiday, Malcolm Brogdon and Marc
us Smart comparisons. It remains to be seen what his ceiling can truly be, but w
e know one thing: Ayo is awesome.

I can’t wait to see how he progresses.

當我提出這個問題時,我得到了很多 Jrue Holiday、Malcolm Brogdon 和 Marcus Smart
的比較。他的上限究竟多高還有待觀察,但我們知道一件事:Ayo 很棒。



→ sbmylife: 手機發文的 排版差請見諒01/20 13:49
推 vince4687: Ayo才6-4 臂展6-10真的假的01/20 13:50
→ sbmylife: 真的啊 他臂展6'10.25” 01/20 13:58
推 hesho: 看比賽可以知道,根本長臂猿,手一伸就撈到球了01/20 14:01
推 ethanchang: 好狂的臂展01/20 14:09
推 louis61230: 希望可以進年度新秀隊01/20 14:21
→ sbmylife: 球哥決定動刀要休6-8週 01/21 06:54
推 crann: 今年大概只能以闖進東區第二輪為目標了 芝加哥玻璃隊 01/21 08:14
→ sbmylife: 籃網同意幫米爺找新球隊讓他更多上場時間 公牛是他休賽 01/21 08:56
→ sbmylife: 季簽約的第二選擇 可以去談看看了 01/21 08:56
→ vince4687: 感覺不會在當年幫競爭對手資敵 01/21 10:50
→ sbmylife: KCJ在播客中說公牛在考慮Grant 正在對他做謹慎性調查中 01/22 07:05

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